Quake Level Compiler: Compile version 0.9 (beta, of course) 1.....What is Compile? 1.1...What do I need to run Compile? 2.....Why should I use Compile? 2.1...Why was Compile written? 2.2...What operating systems does Compile run under? 2.3...Why is Compile a DOS *batch* file? Are you nuts?? 2.4...Why isn't there a cool logo in this manual? 3.....How do I use Compile? 3.1...What can Compile do? 3.2...Which commands do what? 3.3...Why don't my command work? aka The program! It is messing up! 3.4...Why am I getting errors? 4.....How do I contact the author? 4.1...WHY should I contact the author? 4.2...Where do I submit a bug report? 4.3...Why can't I do...? 4.4...Where do I suggest features? 5.....Legal stuff Section 1 1.....What is Compile? Compile is a "shell" for QBSP, LIGHT and VIS. Simply put, it compiles levels for you. You can either run it with all the default values, or set every option manually. You can also compile a whole bunch of maps in one big chunk, letting you leave the computer unattended for a long time (hell, we all know that compiling levels is no quick process). Compile is a DOS batch file; for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a series of DOS commands stored in a text file. Primitive but effective. 1.1...What do I need to run Compile? What you need to run Compile is simple; the trio of QBSP.EXE, LIGHT.EXE and VIS.EXE (the three id level-compiling utils). They're available at ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/utils/level_editing/bsp_builders, and take up about 250k, compressed. Also, a texture WAD format file will come in handy. NO, not a Doom WAD file, a Quake texture WAD file. You can find a ton of those on the net - try exploring ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake, you should find a few. Or mail me (see 4 - contacting the author. I'm too lazy to write out my e-mail address twice. Oh, ok - it's zenin@m5.sprynet.com) and ask for one, I've got a few. Section 2 2.....Why should I use Compile? Well, actually - you really don't have too. Compile is just something to make life easier and simpler for Quake editing freaks (for anyone who really IS, that's not an insult). But here's a list of reasons anyways: -* Can compile a list of up to nine levels at a time (tested), maybe more -* You don't have to worry about waiting a few hours to vis a level, then running light manually - it's all done in series. -* Small size. Hell, I'm not done writing this manual yet, and when it's done it'll probably be bigger than the actual executable. -* The best support on the net (well, maybe not quite). Quite frankly, I don't have anything better to do - if you've got a problem, mail me and I'll either explain it or fix it. -* And the best reason of all, because - at heart - we're all lazy. Take advantage of simplicity! Use Compile! Maybe I can get my own informercial. 2.1...Why was Compile written? Actually, I still don't quite know. I had a simple batch file running, that'd accept a couple of simple parameters. I decided to add support for all the options in all of the programs. Simply put, one friday afternoon I was bored. Great origins, eh? Well, hope it's useful. 2.2...What operating systems does Compile run under? Compile is a DOS batch file, so it probably runs only under DOS. It does not work well under Windows 3.x (not tested, 'cuz I can almost predict the results. Don't bother), probably not under Win95/NT either. I don't have access to a UNIX system or variants thereof, but chances are that it won't work there either. To put it simply - run it in DOS mode. Sorry. I use DOS. One of these days, I'll switch - but not today. 2.3...Why is Compile a DOS *batch* file? Are you nuts?? Well, there are a few reasons. One, batch files are tiny. I mean really small. Two, batch files almost NEVER get virii (plural of virus, I guess), mainly because they're too primitive. Three, batch files are easily editable - any user with a brain and a text editor can mess around with it. Four, no compilers are needed to let the baby rip. Five, I can't write C/C++ yet. But seriously, why waste time writing up a really wicked program when a simple one will do? I could've done a nice graphical menu and stuff (yes, that can be done in batch. If you don't beleive me, ask me for an example. I've written three or four already), but honestly, it only would've slowed things down. 2.4...Why isn't there a cool logo in this manual? Gimme a break, OK (grin)? I don't want to start out with a BUAF (big ugly ASCII font), and besides, I don't think it's really necessary. But if enough people (like, more than zero) want it in, I'll paste one in for the next release. But I don't think anyone'll want one. Section 3 3.....How do I use Compile? Okay, now we get into the more complicated part. Compile accepts a lot of parameters (bit of trivia - almost the whole program is a command line parser. The actual compiling "meat", the part that calls the compiler programs, is only three lines long). You can get a list of all the accepted parameters in section 3.2, "Which commands do what?". But basically, the format is this: C:\QUAKE\LEVELS\COMPILER\compile mymap Don't put in any extensions. That'll mess stuff up, unless you only want to run QBSP. A more complex command line would run thus: C:\QUAKE\LEVELS\COMPILER\compile vis -fast light -extra mymap OK, what that'll do is set QBSP to run normally, then set vis to run with the -fast parameter, then set light to run with the -extra parameter, and then run all three programs on mymap.map. Things to remember: all commands MUST be set before you start listing map names; to set commands for a program, put the program name on the command line (qbsp, vis, or light) followed by the parameter to be passed to it; all commands that are mispelled will result in everything after the mispelled command to be treated as map names (that's NOT a good thing); and all commands must be spelled either all in capitals or all in lowercase, no mixed cases. 3.1...What can Compile do? Compile can compile up to, and maybe more than, nine maps - one after another. Any maps with errors in them will be messed up, but will leave the following unaffected. Compile can set all parameters for qbsp, light and vis. Compile can do your taxes, improve your love life, guarantee instant happiness, and speak the time and date via mental telepathy to everyone withing a five foot radius - well, maybe not. 3.2...Which commands do what? Compile supports all the parameters for qbsp, light and vis. Those are: QBSP: -draw...............(unknown) -notjunc............(unknown) -nofill.............(unknown) -noclip.............(unknown) -onlyents...........(only process entities - not architectural changes) -verbose............(produce more informational output) -usehulls...........(unknown) -proj .(save bsp file to an alternate directory) LIGHT: -threads num........(unknown, but replace num with 1-4) -extra..............(extra quality mode, takes approx. 4x long) VIS: -threads #..........(unknown, but replace with 1-4) -level 0-4..........(vis level: 1=lowest/worst/fastest, 4=highest/best/slowest) -fast...............(fast vis. Low quality, MUCH quicker than normal. Don't use -fast if you use -level, and vice versa) -v..................(unknown) To pass parameters to one of the three programs, simply put the name of the program on the command line, followed by the parameters to be passed. i.e.: C:\QUAKE\LEVELS\COMPILER\compile vis -fast light -extra mymap mymap2 mymap3 or C:\QUAKE\LEVELS\COMPILER\compile qbsp -onlyents -proj c:\quake\id1\maps vis -level 4 light -extra mymap mymap2 mymap3 Remember, map names must come LAST on the command line. Oh, and if you're worried about why there are so many unkown parameters, don't. They're no trouble, and normally not even used. 3.3...Why don't my command work? aka The program! It is messing up! Hmmm... This is a strange problem, if it ever occurs. Well, maybe you mispelled the command? Maybe you wrote in mixed capital letters and lowercase? Maybe you ran out of environment space? Ok, well, there's three things to try: 1. Look over the commands you typed in. Spelling mistakes can wreak havoc. Remember not to mix capital letters and lowercase - be consistent. 2. Type "command /e:1024" at the command line, and then run compile. That might solve the problem. 3. Put that gun away, and e-mail me with the specifics of your problem. I'll fix it for you. 3.4...Why am I getting errors? Hmm. For this, you really will have to mail me. Are the errors coming from qbsp, light or vis, or are they stemming from Compile itself? There are a lot of things that can go wrong (actually, when you step back and look at a computer, and think about all the things that CAN go wrong - it's a wonder that anything works at all). If you come up with reproducable bug, I'll fix it and put your name in the credits. I'd appreciate any input or feedback. Section 4 4.....How do I contact the author? Well, the easiest and fastest way to contact me is via internet e-mail. My address is zenin@m5.sprynet.com. I check my mail two or three times a day, sometimes even more than that, so prompt replies should be expected. And if you think I'm going to give out my street address on the net, you're crazy (grin). 4.1...WHY should I contact the author? Well, if you have discovered a bug, or think up a cool new feature, or are wondering why the heck I left out something that really needs to be put in, or I missed something in this manual, please contact me. I'd love to make this a great program for all to use. Oh, and if your suggestion or bug report in any way influences a future release, I'll put your name in the credits section. "w00p, how ereet," as sCary would say (big grin). 4.2...Where do I submit a bug report? Well, just mail it to me. Make sure it can be reproduced, and tell me how. If it's fixable, I'll fix it. If it's not fixable, I'll still fix it - I'll just be in a worse mood when it's finished. 4.3...Why can't I do...? The most probable cause is that I messed up somewhere, or that I left it out. There's a couple of features I thought of, but never implemented. So if you want to be able to do something, (all together now...) mail me. I'll stuff it in the next release and put you in the credits section. 4.4...Where do I suggest features? Mail me. (I'm getting lazy here. You've heard it all before, I think). One last time, my e-mail address is zenin@m5.sprynet.com. Section 5 5.....Legal stuff This software is provided without ANY guarantees of any type, real or implied. By using the included peice of software, you accept any responsibility for any and all consequences subsequently occuring. This software is not copyrighted in any manner; you are free to modify it in any way you see fit, although if it is redistributed, you must contact the author to inform him of your actions. This file may be redistributed by any manner, electronic or manual, although permission must be requested from the author before redistribution may occur. This file MUST be included, in unaltered form, with the archive. By reading this text, you unconditionally accept all of the forementioned restrictions.